Fred and I are sitting on the deck enjoying the cool breeze. I am checking my e-mail, when i hear "What do you think about me cleaning out the shed"? First i checked his forehead for a fever. Then i checked my pulse to see if i had one. The sweetest words i heard ,Fred thinking about cleaning. Well i jumped on that one! I said i would love to help you clean and organize the shed. You never know what you will find. CARPE DIEM! After a quick breakfast of leftover chili and brown rice. I scampered upstairs to put on suitable clothing for this special occasion, t-shirt and worn out sweats. Fred is wearing his muscle shirt and shorts. You need muscles to clean out this shed! Jamie, Drew(my son-in-law) and Wyatt (grandson) stopped by to have Sunday Dinner. We all enjoyed meat loaf, real mashed potatoes, lima beans, corn on the cob and homemade gravy. YUMMY! Sunday dinner is a family tradition. Some traditions should never change. What are your family traditions?
Until morrow-Good Eve
The Tall Horse and Mr. Winkle
17 hours ago
I am sooooo glad you did this, you didn't throw any good stuff away did you?