Friday, January 8, 2010


Well, i am home sick! I took Mom to Doc in a Box this week and i think i caught something. Anyway i'm watching Ann Curry interview a mommy that started a blog titled "The Happiness Project". I think (haven't read the book) its about her time with her daughter. What about us Ga-Ga's?  I started this blog as a way to fill up my day. This blog evolved into a video diary. I want Wyatt when he gets older to be able to see his life, not just have the oral history of his life. Wyatt will see how loved he is, his activities, family time and how much his grandparents love him. I could rename my blog The Ga-Ga Project. I like it just the way it is. Let's hear it for Grandparents!

                                                    Pop-Pop and Wyatt

                                                 Pop-Pop and Ga-Ga

1 comment:

  1. I love being a grandparent and all that this time in my life brings. One thing nice about being a grandparent is watching my child raise him and guiding him to be a productive, happy individual. Being there when needed.
